EK – Crypto Mining Blog
Recently we have built a 720 MHs Ethereum Mining Rig With 6x MSI GeForce RTX 3090 SUPRIM X 24G GPUs and shared our experience with it, and we just got our hands on a water- cooled RTX 3090 GPU form ASUS and had to give it a go for Ethereum mining as well. The ASUS EKWB GeForce RTX 3090 video card is the result of collaboration between ASUS and EK, it comes …
EK-Quantum Vector TUF RTX 3080/3090 D-RGB – EK Webshop
This is the 2nd generation Vector GPU water block from the EK® Quantum Line, designed for ASUS ® TUF RTX 3080 and 3090 graphics cards based on the latest NVIDIA® Ampere™ architecture. For a precise compatibility match of this water block, we recommend you refer to the EK Cooling Configurator.. An EK water block for TUF RTX 3080 and 3090
万元顶级旗舰降临!RTX 3090首发评测:没想到这么能超_TechWeb
[图文] 或许很多同学对于这一次RTX 3080/3090在流处理器数量上翻倍的提升感到不可思议。毕竟从2013年的GTX 780 Ti到2019年的Titan RTX,流处理器数量仅仅只是从2880个提升…
[图文] 注意,我在标题里用的关键词是怎么选而不是哪个好,RTX3090和RTX3080的公版首发价格分别是11999和5499元,二者的价格相差了一倍多,按道理来说,这两个显卡放在…
EK-Quantum Vector FTW3 GeForce RTX 3080/3090 D-RGB …
Buy from Scan – EK-Quantum Vector FTW3 RTX, GPU Water Block, D-RGB, Nickel + Acetal, G1/4, for EVGA XC3 3080/3090
极致性能带来极致体验 这三款RTX 3090显卡不容错过-太平洋电脑网
[图文] 30系列显卡。凭借着全新的NVIDIA Ampere架构,RTX 30系列显卡性能相较于RTX 20系列显卡有着显著的提升。而发布会最受瞩目的产品当然是RTX 3090,拥
RTX 3080 3090参数,RTX 3080 3090规格_OF下载
[图文] 老黄应该会在九月份发售这几款高端的显卡,分别是RTX 3090 24GB、RTX 3080 10GB、RTX 3070 8GB,然而最新的爆料消息将RTX 3080/3090完整规格全部泄露出来,今天…
ASUS EKWB GeForce RTX 30 Liquid Cooled Graphics Cards Unveiled
All three graphics cards in ASUS’s GeForce RTX 30 Liquid-Cooled (EKWB) lineup will come with a pre-installed water block that bears the EK classic design and features integrated addressable D …
【NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090显卡评测】NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090显…
[图文]2020年11月17日 – ZOL中关村在线提供NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090显卡评测、NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090显卡行情、NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090显卡导购、NVIDIA GeForce …
EK Vector Water Blocks for RTX 30 Series Graphics Cards …
EK-Quantum Vector FE RTX 3080 – Special Edition. Engineered for the latest GeForce RTX 3080 Founders Edition graphics cards, the EK-Quantum Vector FE RTX 3080 D-RGB water block enclosure is the most complex, unique-looking GPU cooling solution developed by EK to date.
EK announces Classic water blocks for reference GeForce …
22/12/2020 · EK LAUNCHES EK-CLASSIC WATER BLOCK FOR REFERENCE RTX 3080, 3090 GPUS EK®, the premium computer liquid cooling gear manufacturer, is introducing a new EK-Classic water block, created specifically for reference-design-based NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX™ 3080 and 3090 graphics cards. The EK-Classic GPU Water Block RTX 3080/3090 D-RGB The new EK …
RTX3090-24G-EK|Graphics Cards|ASUS Global
The ASUS EKWB GeForce RTX™ 3090 cards are the result of collaborative engineering efforts between ASUS and EK ®.ASUS Auto-Extreme Technology, along with a metal backplate and customized steel mounting bracket, create a durable foundation for EK ® ’s full-coverage water block. The entire package takes up just a single slot, bringing the tangible benefits of water …
RTX 3090显卡外观及价格曝光:单风扇1499美元 -中关村在线
[图文]2020年8月19日 – 外界普遍猜测,9月这场将发布首波RTX30系列显卡,GTC2020上有望进一步丰富家族阵容。关于外界盛传的RTX3090,。
EK Quantum Vector Strix RTX 3090 installation ASUS RTX3090 …
ASUS ROG Strix GeForce RTX 3090 24 GB OC Version Gaming Grafikkartehttps://amzn.to/3hx1jnz *Kühler EKWB Vector Strix RTX 3080/3090 D-RGBhttps://amzn.to/3rM7T…
[图文]2020年9月24日 – RTX3090 性能怎么样比RTX3080 快多少?英伟达 RTX 3090 将于今天开卖,RTX3090 的评测与国内首销均定于今晚 21 点解禁。现在英伟达网站上就发布…
【丽台GeForce RTX 3090 HURRICANE】报价_参数_图片_论坛_…
中关村在线(ZOL.COM.CN)提供丽台GeForce RTX 3090 HURRICANE显卡最新报价,同时包括丽台GeForce RTX 3090 HURRICANE图片、丽台GeForce RTX 3090 HURRICANE…
RTX3090-24G-EK | Placas de vídeo | ASUS Brasil
ASUS EKWB GeForce RTX™ 3090 24GB GDDR6X com tecnologia Auto-Extreme, placa traseira protetora, suporte de aço inoxidável, um design de slot único e bloco de água EK®.
EK Water Blocks Offers Founders Edition RTX 3090 Special …
EK is proud to finally unveil its Special Edition high-performance GPU water blocks for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 Founders Edition graphics card. The …
RTX 3090 mining settings – Crypto Mining Blog
Recently we have built a 720 MHs Ethereum Mining Rig With 6x MSI GeForce RTX 3090 SUPRIM X 24G GPUs and shared our experience with it, and we just got our hands on a water- cooled RTX 3090 GPU form ASUS and had to give it a go for Ethereum mining as well. The ASUS EKWB GeForce RTX 3090 video card is the result of collaboration between ASUS and EK, it comes …
ASUS GeForce RTX 3090 EK 24GB Graphics Card | Computer …
Let it Flow. The ASUS EKWB GeForce RTX™ 3090 cards are the result of collaborative engineering efforts between ASUS and EK®. ASUS Auto-Extreme Technology, along with a metal backplate and customized steel mounting bracket, create a durable foundation for …
Placa de Video Asus GeForce RTX 3090 24GB …
Placa de Video Asus GeForce RTX 3090 24GB GDDR6X EKWB 384-bit, RTX3090-24G-EK, Memória 24 GB, Tipo de memória GDDR6X, Núcleos CUDA 10496, Pichau info
RTX 3090又贵又大、风冷撑不住?EK宣布水冷头同步上市-EKWB,…
[图文]2020年8月25日 – 再过一周多时间,NVIDIA就要正式发布RTX 30系列显卡了,旗舰这次会是船新的RTX 3090,取代RTX 3080 Ti的地位,价格五位数起步,轻松达到1.3999…
EK Water liquid cooling blocks for RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 …
Liquid cooling component manufacturer EK Water has this week introduce new water blocks for the RTX 3080/3090 D-RGB graphics cards. The EK-Classic GPU Water Block RTX 3080/3090 D-RGB full-cover …
RTX3090-24G-EK | Graphics Cards | ASUS USA
The ASUS EKWB GeForce RTX™ 3090 cards are the result of collaborative engineering efforts between ASUS and EK ®.ASUS Auto-Extreme Technology, along with a metal backplate and customized steel mounting bracket, create a durable foundation for EK ® ‘s full-coverage water block. The entire package takes up just a single slot, bringing the tangible benefits of water …
RTX 3090官方性能公布,RTX 3090比3080快15%_OF下载
[图文] RTX 3090的老黄家官方正式推出的自己的测试数据,包括各种性能成绩的跑分。官方称,RTX 3090平均比RTX 3080快了10~15%。如果对比上一代“泰坦”TITAN RTX,那么…
RTX3090显卡怎么样 万元顶级旗舰显卡RTX3090详细评测_显卡_硬件…
[图文] RTX3090怎么样?好不好用?值得买吗?下面小编带来万元顶级旗舰显卡RTX3090详细评测 RTX3090怎么样?好不好用?值得买吗?下面小编带来万元顶级旗舰显卡RTX3090…
【微星RTX 3090】最新报价_参数_图片_论坛_微星RTX 3090系列显卡…
参考价格:¥ 1.20万
RTX 3090跑分曝光?性能超2080Ti 50%_游戏硬件显卡-中关村在线
[图文]2020年8月1日 – 3090提升了50%。当然,这里的RTX 3090到底是不是RTX 2080 Ti的正统迭代款式(3080 Ti改名)还是说比2080 Ti更高一级的迭代款式,还存在悬念。 另…
RTX 3090/3080显卡正式发布:3899起煤气灶再见 新外观酷炫!_…
[图文]2020年9月2日 – 刚刚NVIDIA正式发布了RTX 3090、RTX 3080及RTX 3070三款显卡,安培游戏卡家族拉开了帷幕,这一代GPU性能提升很大,RTX 3070都可以干掉RTX…
RTX3090-24G-EK | Graphics Cards | ASUS United Kingdom
ASUS EKWB GeForce RTX™ 3090 24GB GDDR6X with Auto-Extreme Technology, Protective Backplate, Stainless Steel Bracket, a single-slot design, and EK® water block.
1.4万不亏 RTX 3090显卡性能翻倍:性价比飞升-中关村在线
[图文]2020年9月1日 – NVIDIA的RTX3090、RTX3080显卡爆料差不多了,规格几乎定了,价格也差不多了,就是权威跑分泄漏的还是少,现在等来了——RTX3090性能比RTX…
只有RTX 3090能买到了 来看看谁家最贵_七彩虹 iGame GeForce RTX …
[图文]2021年1月28日 – 3090基本都有货,由于发售价格高出RTX 3080一倍,有需求的用户又很少,致使大部分RTX 3090都能原价买到,下面给大家整理一些,毕竟性能在那摆着…
[图文]2020年9月24日 – 今晚就是RTX3090首销的日子,为了营造氛围,英伟达官方也是早早的就公布出了RTX 3090的实际性能,在官方的测试中,RTX 3090的实际性能约比RTX …
Placa de Vídeo ASUS EKWB GeForce RTX™ 3090, …
Placa de Vídeo ASUS EKWB GeForce RTX™ 3090, 24GB, GDDR6X, 384bit, RTX3090-24G-EK, As placas ASUS EKWB GeForce RTX ™ 3090 são o resultado de esforços de engenharia colaborativos entre a ASUS e a EK ® . A tecnologia ASUS Auto-Extreme, junto com uma placa traseira de metal e um suporte de montagem de aço personalizado, criam uma base durável …
NVIDIA RTX 3090 FE纯公版真容曝光,对比RTX 2080身材大一号_显…
[图文] 离9月1日NVIAIDA新品发布会越来越近,关于NVIDIIA RTX 30的消息越来越多,也越来越接真实,各种有料消息一个接一个。据业内VC掌握的
EK-Quantum Vector RTX 3080/3090 Water Block – EK Webshop
EK-Quantum Vector RTX 3080/3090 D-RGB water block is compatible with most reference design GeForce® RTX 3080 and 3090 graphics cards based on NVIDIA® Ampere ™ architecture. We recommend that you refer to the EK® Cooling Configurator for a precise compatibility match.
RTX3090-24G-EK | Graphics Cards | ASUS Canada
ASUS EKWB GeForce RTX™ 3090 24GB GDDR6X with Auto-Extreme Technology, Protective Backplate, Stainless Steel Bracket, a single-slot design, and EK® water block.
Founders Edition RTX 3090 Finally Gets a Water Block It …
20/01/2021 · EK, the leading computer cooling solutions provider, is proud to finally unveil its Special Edition high-performance GPU water blocks for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 Founders Edition graphics card. The EK-Quantum Vector FE RTX 3090 D-RGB, just like the 3080 model, comes in two versions – Silver and Black, both featuring stark contrasts between the aluminum …
Buy EK Quantum Vector Trio RTX 3080/3090 DRGB Nickel Plexi …
The EK Quantum Vector Trio RTX 3080/3090 DRGB Nickel Plexi is the 2nd generation Vector GPU water block from the EK Quantum Line, designed for MSI Trio and Suprim RTX 3080 and 3090 graphics cards based on the latest NVIDIA Ampere architecture.
[图文] RTX3070、RTX3080和RTX3090,其性能绝对可以用爆表两个字来形容。(老黄狠起来连自己的打啊~~具体有多狠,请往下看)
Placa de Vídeo Asus NVIDIA Geforce RTX3090, …
Placa de Vídeo Asus NVIDIA Geforce RTX3090, 24GB, GDDR6 – RTX3090-24G-EK
ASUS GeForce RTX 3090 24GB EKWB | VideoCardz.net
NVIDIA Ampere Streaming Multiprocessors: The building blocks for the world’s fastest, most efficient GPU, the all-new Ampere SM brings 2X the FP32 throughput and improved power efficiency. 2nd Generation RT Cores: Experience 2X the throughput of 1st gen RT Cores, plus concurrent RT and shading for a whole new level of ray tracing performance. 3rd Generation …
【华硕RTX 3090】最新报价_参数_图片_论坛_华硕RTX 3090系列显卡…
参考价格:¥ 1.20万
RTX 3080/3090完整规格曝光!发布会不用看了-中关村在线
[图文]2020年8月31日 – 新品发布前总会有曝料,但是像VideoCardz这样直接把RTX3080、RTX3090的几乎所有核心规格都捅出来,RTX3070也曝出一大部分的,实在不多见。按…
EK Launches Vector Water Blocks for MSI Trio and Suprim …
04/12/2020 · EK, the leading computer cooling solutions provider, is ready to offer its premium high-performance GPU water block for the MSI Trio edition of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 Series graphics cards. This new water block is named EK-Quantum Vector Trio RTX 3080/3090 D-RGB and is exclusively engineered for MSI Trio RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 GPUs.
RTX 3090实物图曝光,相比于上一代体积增大不少_光线
[图文]2020年8月22日 – 3090的实物图谍照了,并且还晒出了相比于上一代的RTX 2080的对比图。 从其爆料出的真机,或者说是真卡图来看,这一代的RTX 3090相比于上一代,…
ASUS shows off GeForce RTX 3090 EK with preinstalled water …
31/10/2020 · The leaks were true, ASUS has been working closely with EK to launch custom GeForce RTX 30 graphics cards with preinstalled water blocks. ASUS announces GeForce RTX 30 graphics with EK water block ASUS confirmed that the EK series will include GeForce RTX 3090, RTX 3080 and RTX 3070 models. The photos of the new […]
Gráfica Asus GeForce® RTX 3090 EK 24GD6X
NVIDIA® GeForce® RTX 3090 24GB de memória VRAM GDDR6X Velocidade de Memória de 19.5 Gbps CUDA cores 10496 Unidades Limitado a uma unidade por cliente. Independentemente do …
RTX3090 双卡对比测评
5个月前 – //zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/256371885编辑丨极市平台前言本次要评测的两张RTX3090是 GAMING OC 24G 与 STRIX GAMING O24G,分别定位技嘉风冷中高端与华硕风冷旗舰.显卡…
RTX 3090售价曝光:比上代旗舰贵40%,感觉不会爱了_价格
[图文]2020年8月19日 – 现在有消息称,RTX 3090的售价为1399美元,而FE版的售价则为1499美元,这样折算下来,如果是在国内的话,国行价格有可能卖到10999元以及11999…
华硕TUF RTX 3090 24G GAMING显卡评测:斗尊强者 恐怖如斯_华硕 …
[图文]2020年9月24日 – 而就在前几日,我们已见证了RTX 3080的强大,今日,正是RTX 3090显卡解禁的日子,值得注意的是,RTX 3090显卡配备了24G的显存,性能同比RTX …
EK steps into 2021 with active GPU backplate cooler for …
13/01/2021 · EK has just started off 2021 with such a great release in their new active GPU backplate cooling solution, which will now see NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 graphics cards watercooled on …
Choose Connection for Asus . Buy a Asus ASUS EKWB GEFORCE RTX3090 24GB and get great service and fast delivery.
EK Launches a Classic Water Block for Reference RTX 3080 …
18/12/2020 · EK, the premium computer liquid cooling gear manufacturer, is introducing a new EK Classic water block, created specifically for reference-design-based NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 and 3090 graphics cards.
EK Water Blocks Outs EK Classic for Reference RTX 3080 and …
EK is introducing a new EK-Classic water block, created specifically for reference-design-based NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 graphics cards.
RTX 3090又贵又大、风冷撑不住?EK宣布水冷头同步上市_新浪科技_…
[图文]2020年8月25日 – 原标题:RTX 3090又贵又大、风冷撑不住?EK宣布水冷头同步上市 RTX 3090显卡预计基于GA102核心,内建5248的CUDA(82组SM),比RTX 2080 Ti多…
RTX 3090首发评测:没想到这么能超-电子发烧友网
[图文] 一、前言:安培顶级旗舰降临 价格达1.2万 或许很多同学对于这一次RTX 3080/3090在流处理器数量上翻倍的提升感到不可思议。毕竟从2013年的GTX 780 Ti到2019年的Titan …
【NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090显卡】报价_参数_图片_论坛_NVIDIA …
中关村在线(ZOL.COM.CN)提供NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090显卡显卡最新报价,同时包括NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090显卡图片、NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090显卡参数、NVIDIA …
目前最贵RTX3090评测:非法双路核试验珍贵片段 8k性能竟是3080的…
[图文]2020年10月23日 – [PConline 评测] RTX 30系列真正的大哥3090也在上个月解禁了,相信各位网友都已经看了个爽,今天晓边就给大家带来个更有意思的华硕ROG STRIX …
RTX 3090又贵又大、风冷撑不住?EK宣布水冷头同步上市 – 21ic中国…
[图文] 再过一周多时间,NVIDIA就要正式发布RTX 30系列显卡了,旗舰这次会是船新的RTX 3090,取代RTX 3080 Ti的地位,价格五位数起步,轻松达到1.3999万元。RTX 3090显卡…